The Reformation Food Pantry has been in existence for over 30 years, serving our Capitol Hill neighbors with non-perishable food items that are distributed in pre-packaged bags to those in need. We provide an "emergency" bag of food that contains items sufficient to sustain a family of four for two days as they make more permanent connections in striving toward food security. There are many ways to support this important ministry.
Email us if you would like to learn more about how you can help support.
The caring ministry team follows the example of Jesus and focuses on being servant leaders. The sometimes unsung heroes of the congregation, they do the "little" things that make huge impacts on the lives of our members and friends that could use some extra help or just someone to talk to. Whether it’s cooking a casserole to be delivered to a new mom, making soup for someone who lost their spouse, or writing a card to someone who can't get to church very often, these seemingly small actions help us stay connected as one people of God. Even better is going for a visit yourself! Something like this can make a real difference for folks that might be feeling lonely or are just going through a tough transition. Plus, you get to meet some really neat people!
A good way to start is by writing a "Card of Caring" for someone on the prayer list. In the chapel there is a Cards of Caring table with cards, pens and envelopes, along with our prayer list. Write your message on a card, place it in the envelope, and then put the person’s name on the outside of the envelope. There is a mailbox on the table where you should deposit your completed card/envelope. Our office volunteers will address and mail it. If the person is not a member of Reformation please include their full address. Contact us to help out or ask tell you about someone who could use a visit!
Christ calls us to care for our neighbor as ourselves, and the people of Reformation strive to do this in everything we do. There are many intentional ways in which we at Reformation care for our immediate neighbors within our community and around the world. We invite you to join us in participation in these and other programs.
Samaritan Ministry
Samaritan Ministry is a faith-based community partnership that empowers returning citizens and others experiencing debilitating challenges like homelessness and unemployment to channel their assets and desire for success by using a holistic, wrap-around approach which includes intensive personal counseling, GED prep, job-readiness instruction, and career coaching offered through a team of caseworkers and other professionals. Samaritan's Congress Heights location is the former office of Southeast Ministry, whose complimentary adult education programs were merged into Samaritan in 2022. Southeast Ministry was previously a grassroots social justice ministry of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation that developed culturally sensitive education programs that address the root causes of social problems. Click here to learn more.
Washington Interfaith Network
Since 2013 Reformation has been part of the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), a community organizing group that is very active in DC. Reformation has been involved in the housing crisis in the District, particularly focusing on the mistreatment of residents at DC General, the large family shelter. WIN is focused on holding government officials and contractors accountable for their treatment of our most vulnerable citizens.
Good Neighbors Refugee Resettlement Team
Started by Reformation during Advent 2016, eight Capitol Hill Congregations partner with Lutheran Social Services (LSSNCA) to provide furnishings and other supports to refugees. We’ve resettled 112 families, mostly from Afghanistan who have been recommended by a US military officer for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs). LSS was also a recipient of Reformation’s Anniversary Campaign Fund tithe. In addition to resettling families, LSS also supports unaccompanied minor refugees from Central America and Africa. For more on LSS’s local resettlement work visit LSSNCA website.
Global Ministries
Reformation members are involved in international relationships on many levels – in the synod’s global mission committee; lifting up global partnerships through travel, study, music, friendship, advocacy, and prayer; and serving in professional capacities in a broad range of international church, nonprofit, governmental, and private organizations. In addition to connecting with the global church through the ELCA and Lutheran World Federation, Reformation has a few special, direct connections with churches in El Salvador, Namibia, Palestine and Israel, as well as with Lutheran World Relief.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of these opportunities.
Worship Reader & Assisting Minister
Assist in leading worship in the sanctuary. You can easily sign up here.
Fellowship Hour Hosts
Prepare snacks or a light spread to be enjoyed after worship. You can easily sign up here.
Greeters & Ushers
Welcome newcomers and long-timers, adults and children to worship. You might be the first friendly face someone sees at Reformation.
Altar Guild
Set up for communion and baptisms. Care for the sanctuary decorations (banners, paraments, flowers).
Choral & Instrumental Music
Join the choir and/or offer your instrumental gifts.
Livestream Team
Learn to run cameras, sound, and video graphics.
Online Hosts
Greet and assist members and newcomers who join worship via Zoom and Facebook.
Sunday School Teachers
Share the Good News of Christ and love of God with our youngest friends and members!
Donate Flowers
Give thanks to God and honor loved ones by donating to have flowers on the altar and/or to provide Livestream services.